

Today the city feels different. I feel different.  Detached from everything and everyone. I wish I could insety myself in the everyday flow again, but I can't seem to manage to do it. I feel stuck in place. glued to the floor. Watching as everything continues around me. Time doesn't exist for me anymore.  And so all is authomatic now. Every movement of my body feels eternal and neverending.  I don't feel much this days, but I can feel the void whitin growing slowly. 


 I could feel the cool summer brezze in te afternon, while standing in my balcony. The sky was looking very clear, unlike my mind. Which seems to be lost in toughts and memories everyday now.  The day outside looked amazing, unlike the feeling I had inside, barren cold and grey. Outside was summer and inside me was already Winter.  There was no doubt for me about the origin of this feelings, but there was nothing left to do but to put up with the falling snow and keep walking into the endless Winter night.